Thursday, February 16, 2012

10 Things Challenge Week 1

1. Lighthouse Rug- I have had this silly thing since I was in high school and never opened it: Donating to salvation army
2. Winter Hats- Two hats that I never wear: Donating to Salvation Army
3. Candles- I do not like the color of them nor the smell of them: Donating to Salvation Army
4. Dolphin wind-chime- Bought it in Mexico back in 05. I don't have anything undersea themed in my home: Donating to Salvation Army
5. Old Phones- Out dated and just collecting dust: Recycling to the Best Buy Old Electronics Bin
6. Old (MP3) Player- Hasn't worked in years and is now very outdated: Recycling to Best Buy Old Electronics Bin
7. OLD OLD Digital Camera- Once again very outdated though it does still work: Recycling to Best Buy Old Electronics Bin
8. Car Chargers- Im sure they work but I do not need them for any of the electronics I am currently using: Recycling to the Best Buy Old Electronics Bin
9. Car Converter- Old tape that lets you play your IPod. I now have a vehicle that lets me play my IPOD without it and I don't even have a tape player in my jeep: Donating to the Best Buy Old Electronics Bin
10. Winter Scarves- Two scarves that I do not use because I have others that I enjoy more: Donating to Salvation Army

So that's it! My first week was easy to find things and I am planning next week to go through my shoes! I officially have ten less things of unwanted/unused items out of my home!

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