Thursday, March 8, 2012

10 Things Challenge Week 4

I am a little late this week in posting this but here are my 10 things I am donating! I think all the stuff this week is going to be donated to friends so they are for sure going to get good use out of them.
  1. Georgia Rule- A movie I have watched once and its was a good one timer but not worth keeping on my shelves
  2. Rumor Has It- I love Jennifer Aniston but this is not the best movie on the planet
  3. The Terminal- I cannot even figure out where I got this movie from
  4. John Tucker Must Die-Super cute movie but I am not a teenager anymore... Time to move on
  5. She's The Man- Once again cute movie but a little to young for my taste now
  6. Tristan and Isolde- Was a good movie but not one I reach for when I want to watch something
  7. Startsky and Hutch- I think I have worn out this movie enough to say I can donate it without feeling bad
  8. Red Glitter-I had two things of red glitter that I will never get all the way through using so one of them is out
  9. Blue Glitter- Same story
  10. Green Glitter- Once again same story
So there you have it my ten things. This is getting much tougher now. I haven't even decided on the theme to look for things to donate on next week.